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Do you have any technology predictions?

A good question to have you mulling over this week.

What is it about technology that it excites you, do you have any predictions (good or bad) about how technology could potentially merge in the next few years?

Please add your answer in the comments field.

Well, I'm fascinated by wearable technology, but not how most us currently think about it, you know what I mean, the smartwatches and fitness trackers that tell us when and what to eat and count how many of the supposed 10,000 steps we are meant to take each day (which by the way, for an average person is about 5 miles). How many times have you heard around your office "I' was 2,435 steps short yesterday", followed by the guilt trip and the shameful dented pride of letting themselves down? Ask them, why is it that 10,000 steps are the magical number, can they give you an answer, I suspect not.

No, what fascinates me more is the emergence of wearable technology or even implanted technology for that matter within medical science. 


Within the health monitoring and medical fields, the fusion of smart tech with other technologies such as AI and Blockchain will usher in a new era in medical science. The smart tech being there to monitor and detect, with AI (basically machine learning for the human body), detection and identification of illness and disease can be identified much earlier, thus giving a better prognosis and with this foresight comes increased survival rates and better health care. Blockchain will distribute secure information between trusted parties keeping all informed. Basically, you could decide who your trusted parties are, imagine a Blockchain of all your medical information shared easily and flagging up any issues in a timely and secure fashion.

With certain diseases and conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes and Skin Cancer, early detection together with corrective action and timely intervention can stop these conditions developing into something much more sinister. Retinal screening together with AI is already detecting conditions much earlier. Basically, AI is being used to detect precursors within the screening results much early than current detection methods can. It does this by learning and recognising patterns that even the most experienced practitioners of the field cannot spot.

So my answer is that the integration of Smart Tech, AI and Blockchain will benefit the way medical health is practised.

Look forward to reading your answer.



Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel