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Differences between .rsdoc and .scdoc formats

I've been trying to import the .scdoc examples from the SpaceClaim tutorials, without success.  DSM says it can't open them and then hangs up, I have to use the Task Manager to close the SpaceClaim process. If I rename the files to .rsdoc,I get the same "can't open" message, but at least DSM doesn't lock up.

So far as I can see, the formats seem the same: both files are simply renamed ZIP archives containing files and folders describing the design item, and to a cursory view both sets seem identical.  Is there some trick that I'm missing here, or is there some fundamental structural or content difference between the two formats? Strictly speaking the examples in the tutorials aren't really necessary to understanding the videos, but it would be nice to actually be able to manipulate the design item while watching.
