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Compound curves

Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help, I am stuck with a design I am trying to make. It is the steam dome for a 5 inch  gauge locomotive I am building. I want to 3D print a pattern to have this part cast in gunmetal, everything goes fine until I get to putting on the 2 3/32 radius on the bottom where it sits on the boiler tube. I need that radius but I also need to maintain the corcular shape. I draw the outline for the dome and use the rotary pull function, no problem. It is when I pull the radius through the bottom that the problem occurs. The circular shape turns into an elipse. Any ideas on how I can remedy this would be most apreciated. I have attached some photos to illustrate the problem. On the right is the old fire damaged wooden pattern and on the left a 3D print of the result so far.HFpBYKpNz74Kx4UNCmGhcA.jpeg
