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Project nautilUS - Phase two update, commercialisation and field trials

In a little over 3 years Project nautilUS has moved on significantly. In Phase 2 we have seen three members from the original project team move things forward, deliving deeper into the technology, the commercialisation opportunities and field trials with onsite deployments.

Just recently the team has presented nautilUS at trade shows, notably the 2021 CHEMUK showcase in Birmingham, gaining feedback from many interested parties around the globe. We pick the story up shortly after recent field trials in the UAE.

This interview includes the following spokespersons from the Phase 2 members.

Gaining wider recognition, nautilUS was recently featured in Tank Storage Magazine, you can view the full feature below.

Image source and attachment courtesy of Tank Storage Magazine. Full article in downloads.

For more on nautilUS 

nautilUS the answer to low cost oil tank inspection


Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel