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PLCNext Technology might just be what I have been waiting for

For some time now I have been looking into a few PLC's to recommend for a clients project.

The brief I was given is that it has to be scalable and relatively easy to program and change operating parameters often.

I came across the PLCNext starter kit (177-1390) here on DesignSpark a few weeks back, it was a review of the starter kit carried out by Peter Oakes that got me interested. You can find the full review here or watch the video below. It's worth looking at if you are interested to learn more or simply doing research for your next PLC.

Having watched Peter's review I was interested to see what Phoenix Contact has done to help us understand PLCNext? Quite a lot as it turns out.

On their site Phoenix Contact have ensured the PLCNext Technolgy is well presented, I found this a good starting page

Also, they have created a new community for PLCNext, which I joined today. This is where you can share information, look for support from other users and find tutorials, software and firmware downloads, plus handy application examples to get you started.

Lastly, like most of you these days, my research channel of choice is YouTube, no matter what I'm looking for YouTube is my go-to place. I gave it a go and searched PLC Next, what I found was a great playlist of product tutorials. Here is the link for the full list, and below I have embedded the first video so you know what to expect.

Let me know in the comments below if like me you are looking for a new PLC. I'm certainly going to give PLCNext a go, the starter kit is ordered.

Following future technology developments, gadgets, music and Rugby.