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Smart sensing approach to Industry 4.0

David Hannaby UK product manager for Presence Detection at Sick UK, has published a great article which looks at smart sensing, industry 4.0 and the move to IoT.


Looking at how machines can interact with each other and share data in the production plant and supply chain is fascinating. As mentioned in a previous blog, sensors are the most important part of the industrial process. David takes this even further and states  “There will never be a Smart Factory without smart sensors it is sensors which are the ‘unsung heroes’; the glue that holds together today’s and tomorrows automated environments”.

Another particular highlight is his piece titled Smarter sensing which looks at how IO-Link together with miniature chip processing brings advanced embedded functions to the sensors themselves, enabling complex data processing within the sensor units.


Read David’s full article here


Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel