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Our friends over in the RS Taxonomy team are changing the structure of the RS website to make browsing and searching easier for you.

They are on a mission to improve your experience of using the RS website by simplifying the structure and modernising the language and terminology we use. This will make it quicker, easier, and more intuitive for you to browse and find products.


The team is testing the redesign using Taxonomy designing software, called Treejack.

What better place to ask for expert opinion than DesignSpark? Plus, it's really easy to help. You just complete a set of tasks, navigating through a skeleton structure of the site to select the section where you would expect to find the product specified in each task.

Your choice and your route to it will tell us whether we have the right structure in place, or if we need to do more work.

If you can spare a few minutes of your time, please follow the link and instructions here.

DesignSpark Community Manager and all-around geek girl.