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Technology verses Coronavirus

First of all, thanks to DesignSpark members Andrew Back and RobbieDunion for sharing relevant information with us all on this platform. 

I would like to point out two other articles I read recently, I hope it's ok to post links rather the cut and paste.

The first article from Bernard Marr appears on Forbes and covers 10 technologies that can help us during this pandemic. It looks at AI, Robotics and Drones.

Titled - Coronavirus: How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Technology Is Used To Fight The Pandemic

The second appears on BBVA and looks at Big Data, AI, Machine Learning it also covers 3D printing for respirator components, APPs and Chatbots.

Titled - Technology against coronavirus

For me, it's more apparent than ever how the world of medicine, engineering and technology can work together in unison. I guess much of this is not apparent on a regular basis but takes something like Covid-19 to highlight.

If you have similar thoughts on this or more information to share, I'm sure our fellow DesignSpark members would like to hear them.

Stay safe




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