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Summer of Sound - let the music flow

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The DesignSpark Summer of Sound design challenge is our big summer event this year.


We are looking for a great new musical instrument, piece of equipment or even a hack of something existing that you have given new life to.

The only requirement is that what you create must be able to provide or deliver some form of music. 

So if you feel up to the challenge and want to let your creativity and music flow, then what better way to do this than to enter our challenge.

Whether your design is to help someone participate in music or create a totally new radical sound it doesn't matter we want to hear from you.

Below are some examples of what others have created in past.

Building the Google Open Nsynth Super

ElectricJosh Slide Guitar

The Korg Nutube Guitar Pedal

The Red Tin Music Box

The One Love Machine Band

Grumpy Mike's CattleCaster

Colin Furze Flaming Guitar and Smokin Bass


Thom Kubli Black Hole Horizon

Bes sure to enter, but first here is our very own Rolling Stone to summarise.

BTW - Mike wasn't Grumpy at the recent Newcastle Maker Faire and was showing off the updated CattleCaster, with which I managed to play Zombie.

Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel