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STL-Dateien aus DesignSpark Mechanical 5.0 sind scheinbar defekt


Hi there, suddenly - from one moment to the next - my DesignSpark Mechanical 5.0 no longer works. The generated STL files seem to show 0 mm - no matter how big the designed object is - no matter in which program I open the file for further processing. At first I thought it was due to JGcreat 2.5.0 (for my 3D printer).

I completely uninstalled DesignSpark, also following the instructions at https://designspark.zendesk.com/hc/de/articles/212480185-Wie-kann-ich-DSM-vollst%C3%A4ndig-deinstallieren-.

Only when I install DesignSpark on another computer, everything is fine. Not on the original PC. Does anyone know what the reason is?