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LUXEON SunPlus LEDs enable growers to improve crop yields

The light typically used for illumination is not optimal to grow plants

Lumens are for humans. Plants need PPF

Humans and plants respond to different wavelengths of the light spectrum

  • Plants are green because they absorb blue and red, and reflect most of the green light.
  • Human vision evolved to be more sensitive to green light, to distinguish plants better.

Growth Light & Pigments

Photosynthesis in plants depends on absorbing light energy in specific wavelengths 


  • Chlorophyll-a: Absorption peaks at 430nm and 662nm
  • Chlorophyll-b: Absorption peaks at 453nm and 642nm
  • Carotenoids (α/β-Carotene, Lycopene, Xanthophyll): Strong absorption between 420nm and 485nm
  • Other accessory pigments: in order to extend the range of photosynthesis or drive other vital activities


LUXEON SunPlus Series for Horticulture provide the light required to grow plants in the most effective way and improve crop yield

LUXEON SunPlus Series are the only LEDs in the market that are made for exclusively for horticulture, tested and binned in PPF (umol/s) and engineered to deliver the precise wavelengths needed by plants.




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