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How to Get Started Using the EE-Sim® OASIS Simulation Tool to Accurately Simulate Your Circuit Designs

Designing a switched-mode power supply that works well is not easy. Designs must be thoroughly verified before being committed to production, a time-intensive task. Online design tools can help to accelerate this step but some of these have limitations to their use. Some place constraints on the size of load or line-step that can be simulated. Other tools prevent additional components or probes from being inserted into the schematic.

An alternative offline tool, Maxim Integrated's EE-Sim® Oasis simulator gives engineers additional degrees of freedom to evaluate their circuit designs. For example, it may be desirable to simulate a circuit in an over-current situation. While other online simulation tools prevent this (stating that the circuit was not designed for such a high load), the Oasis simulator allows this analysis. Additional probes and additional components can also be placed on the schematic allowing a better evaluation of circuit performance.


In this video, you will learn how easy it is to use this powerful free tool.

Time to watch -  4m 56s

EE-Sim® Oasis Simulator can be downloaded from the Maxim Integrated website.

Find out WhySimplis is Better than Spice for Power Circuits 

View the DesignSpark Ask the Expert interview with Maxim where we discuss EE-Sim in more detail.

Maxim Integrated develops innovative analog ICs for the automotive, industrial, healthcare, mobile consumer, and cloud data center markets