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Verifying RTOS Applications using Deep Insight Analysis

Verifying RTOS Applications using Deep Insight Analysis

DesignSpark  and RS have now made the video of the fantastic webinar from Jacob Beningo on verifying RTOS Applications using Deep Insight Analysis available on to the community.

If you missed the Webinar, it’s worth the time to revisit it if you’re involved in RTOS debugging to catch up on the latest Best Practice insights. Jacob explores the 3 main pillars of Deep Insight debugging. RTOS Aware Debugging, Run-Time Analysis, then Profiling and Coverage Analysis.

The Webinar also points to real examples and Setup for the real time trace Segger J Trace Pro (131-1324) and identifies where to download the necessary files to get you started for most commonly used microcontrollers.


The webinar quickly moves through the topics from criteria for selecting a real time operating system, through early implementation of monitoring and debugging to enable proper management of dynamic stack size and memory usage, setting appropriate task priorities based on frequency of execution, and then moves on to looking into the RTOS aware monitoring functions and analysis support tools including, CPU load, priority inversions, unexpected events, purse failures etc.

Watch the webinar for yourself to sharpen your skills and productivity. 

Jacob’s Profile

Jacob is an embedded software consultant, technical trainer and writer who specializes in real-time embedded software for microcontroller based systems. Jacob is an expert in C, C++ and Python with firmware analysis and design skills. He is well versed in developing software architectures, rapid prototyping and RTOSs.

Product Group Manager - Semiconductors