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Korg Nutube for that valve amp sound

We managed to get our hands on the Korg Nutube guitar pedal that Andrew Back and Karl Woodward recently built. DesignSpark has been looking forward to putting this pedal through its paces for some time now.


That old valve amp sound, the warm glow that resonates so well with many musicians is promised with this pedal. Below you can hear our results and discover whether it manages to recreate that magical sound. For us, it brought the great satisfaction that something assembled by our own DesignSpark community sounds so good. So for the first time listen to how this guitar pedal sounds.

So let's listen to a bit of Sultans. In the meantime whilst not giving too much away, there is likely to be a music-themed design challenge appearing very soon on DesignSpark, stay tuned.

Here is the link to the first in the series of the build project for this pedal.

Favourite things are Family, Music and Judo. Also, I have the ability to retain and quote useless facts, something that pleases me but can annoy others. My engineering hero - Isambard Kingdom Brunel