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Geeks, We Are Your Father's Episode 6: Marvel Special - Captain America, Richard Browning and Royal Rumbles

In this episode Dave, Pete and Robbie are joined by "Captain America" Matt to discuss all things MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).

Find out which of the films are our Geek Dads' favourites, what soundtrack is playing on repeat and the piece of Marvel memorabilia hanging above Pete's bed at his wife's request!

We also have an exclusive interview with the real-life Iron Man, Richard Browning to discover why he created his own flying suit and how he ended up joining forces with Mythbusters' Adam Savage to fly an exact replica of the suit from the original Iron Man movie.

The quartet then discuss which of the Avengers would win in a Royal Rumble!

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Introducing Dave, Pete and Robbie... 3 proud geeky dads who are here to talk about all things tech, sci-fi, gaming and more. Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean or Google Podcasts.