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Hey Jude

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Product Design Engineer | Design Modelling

Winner of the 2020 Alastair Graham-Bryce "Imagineering" Award (IMechE), Jude thrives in high risk collaborations, uncertainty and pressure - drawing from global networks and experiences to deliver high profile campaigns and digital/physical products. A leading Creative Technologist & Physical Prototyping Expert, Jude has worked for NHS, Dyson, LEGO, and a number of start-ups. He is one of the eight featured inventors in BBC Two's Big Life Fix.

Rewards icon DS Level 28

13605 / 14000 xp
Member since octobre 2012
Membre DS Gagné 14/01/2018
Esprit communautaire 1 Gagné 29/07/2020
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Author 25 Gagné 21/11/2023
Profil de toutes les étoiles Gagné 14/01/2018
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Projet Gagné 01/10/2020

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